Student Success Stories
Your support continues to change lives of young people in poverty. Many of them believed that education was only a dream, but your sponsorship has begun to turn their dream into a reality.
Erika's Story
Read Erika's heartwarming story of how she went from struggling to help support her family to now leading a wonderful life with a rewarding career.
I will always be thankful to all the people who have made my journey possible through their help and loving heart.
Omar's Story
Omar's story is like many other Filipino students. A lack of finances in the family resulted in Omar not being able to stay at school. Read about Omar's amazing journey from struggle to success, as he graduates with the help of Bright Lights!
I am now a full-time teacher at Bright Lights Learning Center teaching computing.
Maricar's Story
From tough beginnings, Maricar shares about her life of heartache and struggle. Read how she finds success, peace and love through the support given to her by Bright Lights. Maricar now works with Voice of Grace Compassion Ministries in the role of Sponsorship Coordinator.
It is through Bright Lights that I felt loved, valued and supported.