Threads Of Hope

An Interview With Maria

Threads of Hope is a livelihood project for women at risk. It provides work to unemployed mothers through the creation of thread bracelets which are then sold.

Below is an interview with Maria Bell, one of the founders of VOGCM and Threads of Hope.

Why was there a need to start a livelihood project?

It was in part to take the pressure off the family budget to have their teenagers studying rather than working. Our aim was for the mothers to make enough money to put food on the table for the week whilst working from home.

Threads Of Hope
Threads Of Hope

Tell me about the Threads of Hope ladies.

Ten women were trained in the art of bracelet making. They were mostly mothers of students at Bright Lights or their friends. They were all living in impoverished circumstances in the squatter communities known as San Buena and Floodway.

What difference has being part of Threads of Hope made to the families involved?

It brought an important stable income that paid for necessities. Because of this students were able to stay in school.

How does buying the bracelets assist the work of VOGA now?

We have an extensive stockpile of TOH goods available for purchase. With each purchase you will be helping support the families who create the bracelets.